Education in Cambodia, Kingdom of Wonder

Education in Cambodia, Kingdom of Wonder

Cambodia is one of the countries with millions of children not attending school. Particularly, because of poverty, migration (especially to Thailand) and other reasons. Because of the huge corruption in the country and nepotism (jobs given to family or friends), education is not taken care of by the (local) autorities.

The number of early school leavers is frightful, especially in the county-side where most people live. In some districts 50% of students from primary education are drop-outs, in secondary education it’s 85%!

Child labor is common in Cambodia. That’s why education is a rat race, only the strongest will survive.
The quality of the education system is horrendous; it’s not unusual to have  60/70 students in one classroom and there is always a lack of teaching materials. Teachers do not earn enough to support their families. That’s why they often have side jobs.