One of the latest initiatives of the World Education Forum Bulgaria Foundation – the creation of a free Mutual Aid Platform for teachers and schools, has found a wide response in the pages of ESHA magazine.
The World Educational Forum Bulgaria / WEFBG/, a member of ESHA, has developed an online Mutual Assistance Platform for Teachers and Schools in Bulgaria.(
After registration, users have the opportunity:
• to use ready resources in 6 directions – Innovative methods in the classroom, STEM education, Coaching, Leadership, Media, communications, PR and Skills of the 21st century,
• to participate in the exchange of lessons developed by the teachers in all subjects from each levels of education (primary and secondary), while preserving their copyrights. To share a lesson from a teacher, it is necessary to fill in a form for submitting a lesson and to attach used resources (optional – presentation, photos of materials or a link to a video).
• for inclusion in the established forum for professional discussions such as sharing news, exchanging information about projects with colleagues from all over the country, seeking and giving professional advice.
• to activate the service “receive notifications from the forum”
Currently, the active users are over 2600 people from all over Bulgaria.