
WEF is of the opinion that every child, wherever in the world, should go to school.  However, we have to deal with a ghastly reality.

  • 80 million children do not attend school at all,
  • 127 million children are illiterate,
  • Around the world,793 million people are illiterate,
  • We can only guess the amount of children in the world that suffer from child labor,
  • Millions of children live in poverty and lack everything,
  • Hundreds of  thousands of children live in captivity, in spite of the Children’s Rights Treaty.

Just imagine that every child in the world goes to school. To be able to take life in its own hands. Wouldn’t this  really decrease the amount of suffering ? Maybe the next Einstein is among them……Your child could have been among them.

There are many charities that collect money to build schools. They give the children a chance.   We fully support this. But it is not enough. When the money stops, then so do many of these initiatives. To make education sustainable, we address the responsibility of politicians everywhere in the world.They have to take care that every child in their country goes to school.

The voice of millions of educators, parents and others involved can no longer  be denied. Join us and become Ambassador, Do it now!

Children need education!

Children education

Every child deserves a future. Support us by becoming a member, ambassador or supporter!
