ESHA Biennial Conference 2022 “School Leadership 2020+: Trends & Challenges”

ESHA Biennial Conference 2022 “School Leadership 2020+: Trends & Challenges”

ESHA, 18 - 21 May 2022 | Limassol, Cyprus



Sharing the Lead – Sharing the Load – developing middle leadership capacity in Irish schools
Mary Nihill, National Director of The Centre for School Leadership (CSL), Ireland:

The power of leadership in the teacher professional learning program of the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute: an (un)easy relationship
Pavlina Hadjitheodoulou Loizidou, Head of In-service Teacher Training Department Cyprus Pedagogical Institute

Leading And Teaching The Nordic Way. Happy, skilled and academically performing teachers and students
Kasper Myding, Nordic Schools – education consultants

Positive Education; development and well-being – the unbreakable relationship
Koos Stienstra, Director of the academy of Healthcare and Education, University of Groningen Netherlands

Digital Transformation and School Leadership
Charalambos Vrasidas, Executive Director, CARDET – Professor of learning Innovations and policy, University of Nicosia

Ηow have L2 teaching and learning spaces been transformed from the aftermath of the Covid-19 Pandemic?
Nansia Kyriakou, Frederick University, Cyprus

Pluralism and school leadership in times of uncertainty
Peter Kelly, Associate Professor (Reader) in Comparative Education, University of Plymouth, UK

ChildUp, Children Hybrid Integration: Learning Dialogue as a way of Upgrading policies of Participation
Luca Janka Laszlo, ESHA consultant

I want to do something else to be a good leader! A study of everyday life of Norwegian school leaders
Kristian H. Haugen, Professor emeritus at the UiT, The Arctic Univeristy of Norway

Leading a learning school
Loes van Wessum, Associate Professor Leadership in Education, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands

Whole School Wellbeing – The What, The Why and The How
Andy Mellor, National Wellbeing Director for Schools Advisory Service and Strategic Lead for the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools at Leeds Beckett University

Leveraging parents’ experiences during school closure for renewing education
Eszter Salamon, Director, Parents International and Education Consultant, ESHA